1. Log into the App with your Instructor Pin, username and password.

2. On the navigation pane at the bottom, tap the second icon for Pupils.

3. Select the Pupil you wish to add a contact to.

4. Navigate across to the Pupils Profile.

5. Tap "Contacts" and on the next screen tap "Add".

6. You can set the Emergency Contact here or a Primary & Secondary Contact for the Pupil.

You can also choose how to send the App Invite via Phone or Total Drive.

7. By tapping the "Advanced Options" you can fill out details for the new contact such as Address and an additional landline contact number.

There is also a toggle switch to grant them access to the App (Permisson to Access App)  Once they open the link they will prompted for a £3.99 subscription for access.

This will then create the Parent/Guardians record which you can then send an invite similarly to the Pupil invite.

The parent will receive the invite and will login similarly to the Pupil using the Pupil Pin and the username and password sent to them.

Once this is created, when you view the Pupils profile summary scroll down to the bottom and you will now see an "Emergency Contact" button in Red. If you tap this it will call that contact.