Total Drive 3D teaching Aid videos contain over 2 hours of video tuition in 36 3D teaching aid videos available for instructors to subscribe to and for pupils to purchase as a one-off payment to view within their respective apps. Below you will find 10 to 20-second examples of each of the 36 videos included within the upgrade separated into their 6 categories.

Each video contains Key Learning Points, instructional content and a learning question.

Instructor use & cost

The videos are designed for instructors to use in cars with pupils before during or after lessons to visually show what will be practically undertaken during the lessons or to consolidate a lesson or element of a lesson.  Instructors can subscribe to use all the videos as and when they wish for £6 per month. Upgrade instructions

Pupil Use and Cost

The videos are also designed for pupils to add additional learning outside of practical lessons to prepare or consolidate lessons.  This can help improve the practical lessons themselves and help speed up the learning process. Pupils can pay a one-off fee of £19.99 to use all videos through the Total Drive app for the entire time they are taking lessons with their instructor.

Pupils can purchase the videos by selecting "Learning Aids" under the "Gain an Advantage" section of the home screen of their app.

Early Stages - 4 Videos

The Hazard Routine

Moving Off & Stopping

Length: 5m 10s
Key Points:
  1. The definition of a Hazard
  2. Using the mirrors first
  3. Signalling your intentions
  4. Position & speed
  5. Look, Assess, Decide, Act
  6. MSPSL
Length: 3m 29s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL Routine
  2. Deciding who has priority
  3. Making the decision to wait or go
  4. Your waiting position
  5. Driving through the gap

Meeting Other Traffic

Simple Left Turn

Length: 3m 38s
Key Points:
  1. Preparing the car to move
  2. Observation and signalling
  3. Moving off
  4. Stopping safely
Length: 3m 17s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL Routine
  2. Keeping Full control
  3. Making sure it's safe to turn
  4. Safety checks after turning

Junctions - 7 Videos

Turn Right from Main Road into Side Road

Turn Right from Side Road onto Main Road

Length: 2m 44s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL Routine
  2. Making sure it's safe to turn
  3. Safety checks after turning
Length: 3m 04s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL Routine
  2. Making sure it's safe to turn
  3. Safety checks after turning

Turn Left into Side Road

Junctions with Restricted View

Length: 3m 06s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Deciding which gear to use
  3. Satefy checks after turning
Length: 2m 13s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Using effective observation
  3. using clutch control to "creep & peep" as you emerge

Stop signs & Closed Junctions

Taking the Second Left

Length: 2m 45s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Stopping
  3. The reason for the stop sign
  4. Safety checks after turning
Length: 2m 13s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Making sure it is safe to turn
  3. Safety checks after turning

Taking the Second Right

Length: 2m 50s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Making sure it is safe to turn
  3. Safety checks after turning

Controlled Junctions - 5 Videos

Turn Left at Roundabouts

Going Ahead at Roundabouts

Length: 2m 48s
Key Points:
  1. Rules for turning left
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. Giving way to traffic on the roundabout
  4. Safety checks after turning
Length: 4m 15s
Key Points:
  1. Rules for going road ahead
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. Giving way to traffic on the roundabout
  4. Leaving the roundabout
  5. Safety checks after turning

Turn Right at Roundabouts

Turn Left at Traffic Lights

Length: 4m 24s
Key Points:
  1. Rules for turning right
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. Giving way to traffic on the roundabout
  4. Leaving the roundabout
  5. Safety checks after turning
Length: 3m 51s
Key Points:
  1. The traffic light sequence
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. Waiting at the lights
  4. moving off on green
  5. Safety checks after the traffic lights

Going Ahead at Traffic Lights

Length: 4m 30s
Key Points:
  1. The traffic light sequence
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. Waiting at the lights
  4. moving off on green
  5. Safety checks after the traffic lights

Crossroads - 5 Videos

Crossroads Ahead with Priority

Crossroads Ahead with no Priority

Length: 2m 15s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Being aware of other road users
  3. Safety checks after the junction
Length: 4m 02s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Dealing with traffic on the main road
  3. Dealing with road users opposite
  4. Safety checks after the junction

Crossroads Passing Inside to Inside

Crossroads Passing Nearside to Nearside

Length: 3m 18s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Making sure it's safe to turn
  3. Being prepared to give way
  4. Safety checks after the turning
Length: 2m 55s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Making sure it's safe to turn
  3. Being prepared to give way
  4. Safety checks after turning

Unmarked Crossroads

Length: 3m 19s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Dealing with traffic on the other road
  3. Safety checks after passing/ turning

Manoeuvres - 9 Videos

Parking Bays Left - Driving In, Reversing Out

Parking Bays Right - Driving In, Reversing Out

Length: 3m 19s
Key Points:
  1. Making the choice to drive in
  2. Driving in safely
  3. Leaving the parking bay
Length: 2m 54s
Key Points:
  1. Making the choice to drive in
  2. Driving in safely
  3. Leaving the parking bay

Parking Bays - Reverse In from Left

Parking Bays - Reverse In from Right

Length: 3m 13s
Key Points:
  1. Why reversing in can be safer
  2. Observation to stay safe
  3. Start position & control
  4. Car security
Length: 3m 05s
Key Points:
  1. Why reversing in can be safer
  2. Observation to stay safe
  3. Start position & control
  4. Car security

Stop & Reverse on the Right

Parallel Park

Length: 3m 34s
Key Points:
  1. Choosing a safe place to stop
  2. Stopping safely
  3. Reversing
  4. Moving away safely
Length: 3m 20s
Key Points:
  1. Benefits and location
  2. Approaching and starting the manoeuvre
  3. Reversing safely

Reverse to the Left

Reverse to the Right

Length: 3m 13s
Key Points:
  1. Checking that the side road is clear
  2. Stopping on the left
  3. Safety - with proper observation
  4. Reversing under full control
  5. Finishing the manoeuvre safely
Length: 3m 28s
Key Points:
  1. Checking that the side road is clear
  2. Stopping on the right
  3. Safety - with proper observation
  4. Reversing under full control
  5. Finishing the manoeuvre safely

Turn in the Road

Length: 3m 09s
Key Points:
  1. Benefits and location
  2. Starting the manoeuvre
  3. Reversing safely
  4. Finishing the manoeuvre

Road Use - 5 Videos


Meeting Other Traffic

Length: 3m 37s
Key Points:
  1. When and where to overtake
  2. Using the MSPSL routine before overtaking
  3. Using the MSPSL routine after overtaking
Length: 3m 29s
Key Points:
  1. Using the MSPSL routine
  2. Deciding who has priority
  3. making the decision to wait or go
  4. your waiting position
  5. Driving through the gap

Emergency Stop

Zebra Crossings

Length: 2m 42s
Key Points:
  1. Being alert & aware
  2. Reacting promptly
  3. Staying safe after stopping
Length: 3m 52s
Key Points:
  1. Recognising the crossing
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. Giving way to pedestrians
  4. Safety checks after the crossing

Railway Level Crossings

Length: 4m 28s
Key Points:
  1. Recognising the crossing
  2. Using the MSPSL routine
  3. What to do at the crossing
  4. Dealing with breakdowns
  5. Safety checks after the crossing