You can purchase 3D Videos for £19.99. These visual aids show you how to correctly execute maneuvers and safely deal with Junctions. There are six categories which contain videos relevant to the chosen subject. Your progression will show at the top so you can at a glance see how long you have watched clips in that category.

The Categories offered are:

  • Early Stages
  • Junctions
  • Controlled Junctions
  • Crossroads
  • Manoeuvres
  • Road Use

The app also keeps a log of when you last watched a clip, or if you haven't watched clips, this way you can always see what you have watched already.

These videos contain sound, so when viewing make sure your mute button isn't on and your volume is turned up.

Points that the video will cover will be shown at the beginning of the clip.

These videos are yours to view for the duration of your time on Total Drive as a pupil.