Go to https://www.totaldrive.app and login with your pin, click sign in and enter your username and password.

On the navigation pane found on the left, select Learners > Pupils.  Click the blue "+ Pupil" button to add a New Pupil.

The pop-up screen will allow you to add basic details such as Pupil First and Last Name, their mobile number and which instructor you would like to assign to them.

Clicking on Show All Fields will allow you to input more details for the Pupil, if you want them to be sent login details by text message, ensure the option is ticked.

All Fields shown below, you can now select and edit:

  • The Gearbox for the Pupil
  • Add their License Number
  • Add their Address
  • Confirmation of License and Eyesight checks
  • Select their Theory Test Status.
  • Add an email address and also any Private Notes

Before saving check the "Send pupil login details by text message" is checked if you want to invite them to the App.

Lastly click "Add Pupil" and your done.