Eliminate no-Shows with a "Belt & Braces" approach to lesson reminders

No Shows and last-minute cancellations can leave gaps in your diary that can't be filled and often won't be paid for.  Here's how you can improve both the chance of pupils seeing their lesson reminders and giving you the proof needed to charge for late cancellations and No-shows.

In-App Reminders

The standard free in-app notification reminders are great and are generally reliable however they rely on several things to reach the pupil including;  The pupil installing the app and logging in. The pupil selects "Allow Notifications" when first logging in & the pupil has a wifi or mobile data connection.  For these reasons, they are not 100% guaranteed.

SMS/Text Reminders

These reminders use the standard mobile network to send a traditional SMS/text message and will be delivered to pupils even if they don't have the app installed on their phones. These are virtually 100% guaranteed and can be used very effectively in conjunction with In-App reminders

A Recommended Approach to lesson Reminders

Set up the In-App lesson reminders to be sent 24 hours before the pupil's lesson and set SMS/Text reminders to be sent 48 or 72 hours before the lesson. Ensure you have added to your terms and conditions that you charge for lessons cancelled or no-shows within 24 hours of the lesson.

Pupils will receive 2 lesson reminders, one of which (SMS/Text) can be used for proof of delivery.

SMS/Text reminders require you to purchase a Text Bundle, the best option being 1000 messages for £40. If you deliver around 25 lessons each week this will last you around 10 months.

Text reminder bundles and set-up can be undertaken on the web admin at www.totaldrive.app and going to the Setting menu and selecting Lesson reminders