On the left, click Money >> Finances.

Under the income tab you can add income for Pupil Lessons or Bank Interest, you can also Edit and Delete any entries here including the ability to view any notes that have been added.

There are most expenses that can be recorded with reasons including if you want to document lesson refunds.  

You can also filter on the Expense Type on the right and can set between financial years, months or a custom date search. 

From the Summary Screen you can see both Income and Expenses and either print or print to file by exporting data.

This can also be filtered on date found on the right. 

Categories - you can add more categories to record income and expenses to make the report more customisable to you. Each category created has the ability to be set as claimable or non-claimable with regards to VAT.

Mileage - You can keep tabs on your mileage with this handy tool, you can split mileage that is personal and work related easily.